CoreDash:  Catch Performance Issues Before Users Do

Stay ahead of the Curve with Real User Monitoring (RUM) to understand how real users experience your website! 

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lighthouse 100 score

Realtime RUM insights & CrUX monitoring

Track the Core Web Vitals without the 28 day delay and improve your website's performance.
Track key performance metrics in real-time and gain valuable insights into user behavior and overall user experience.

See the Big Picture

By monitoring key performance metrics in real-time, businesses can identify and address any issues that may be impacting user experience. 

Enhanced performance

RUM tracking allows businesses to quickly identify and fix performance issues, which can lead to faster page load times and better overall performance.

Better decision making

With real-time data, businesses can make more informed decisions. Prioritize development efforts and allocate resources more effectively

Improved customer satisfaction

By providing a better user experience, businesses can improve customer satisfaction and increase the likelihood of repeat visits and conversions

If you're looking to improve your website's performance and user experience, RUM tracking is a valuable tool that can help. By monitoring key performance metrics in real-time, businesses can quickly identify and address any issues, leading to happier customers and improved business performance.

Monitoring: realtime insights & synthetic monitoring

Monitor and improve the Core Web Vitals with real time Real User Monitoring and Synthetic results

RUM monitoring

Collect real time data that shows you how real users experience the speed of your site.
RUM monitoring provides immediate feedback on all levels and turns this into actionable insights.
Get an immediate sense of how your design and development affects the speed of your site and how that affects to your business performance.

Synthetic monitoring

Collect lab data within a controlled environment with pre-defined device and network settings.
Create code-free tests that proactively simulate user experience on your applications and monitor key pages across your website.
Advanced debugging capabilities let you zoom in on, measure and fix your performance issues.

Intelligent alerts

With the Core Web Vitals 1 simple mistake might be all it takes to stop passing the Core Web Vitals. With the CrUX data being 28 days behind it will already be to late when you get a search console warning. 
That is why we will alert you when the page experience significantly declines. 

lighthouse 100 score

Did you know?

The average Core/Dash site will improve the Core Web Vitals by more then 200%.

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Improve performance: find what hurts, then fix it!

Zoom in on performance problems that would have gone unnoticed without RUM tracking.
 Fix them and get immediate real-time real-user feedback.

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Zoom in on performance issues

Fix what hurts, not what works. Finding pagespeed issues should be tackled data-driven and not based on a gut-feeling.
Be effective and get more results in less time.
Monitor all pages on your site and view the results based on site wide core-web-vitals impact.

Find hidden performance problems

Core Web Vitals issues are usually hidden from your direct line of sight. Visitors to forgotten pages or from low bandwidth connections, other countries or low device memory usually cause the biggest problems.
Filter slow segments with CoreDash and fix the Core Web Vitals

Get help from an expert

Can't figure out the underlying problems? Don't worry you are in great hands! 

Field tested: designed by experts

CoreDash RUM monitoring will give you exactly what you need to measure & improve the Core Web Vitals
Tha menas: no hyped distractions and no missing data!

All the Core Web Vitals & bit more

Our primary mission is to measure the Core Web Vitals as accurately as possible. And we do. We guarantee a complete accuracy. The metrics that are in your dashboard right now will be the metrics that you see in the CrUX report in 28 days.

Smart Core Web Vitals filters

Most RUM dashboard come with serious limitations. They will only let you measure a small amount of URL's. That is not what the Core Web Vitals are about. They are about your overall performance, on every URL, for every device. That is why we have no limitations on the number of pages that you can track!

Core Web Vitals recommendations

Monitoring the Core Web Vitals should not cost you your margin. That is why we offer the best possible packages for every  website. Where others may start at $80 with serious limitations (only synthetic data or a small number of URL's) CoreDash will track the Core Web Vitals for just $19 a month.

lighthouse 100 score

What you get: our mission statement

Monitor and improve the Core Web Vitals with real time Real User Monitoring and Synthetic results

Perfect Core Web Vitals Metrics

Our primary mission is to measure the Core Web Vitals as accurately as possible. And we do. We guarantee a complete accuracy. The metrics that are in your dashboard right now will be the metrics that you see in the CrUX report in 28 days.

Without limitations

Most RUM dashboard come with serious limitations. They will only let you measure a small amount of URL's. That is not what the Core Web Vitals are about. They are about your overall performance, on every URL, for every device. That is why we have no limitations on the number of pages that you can track!

At the best possible price

Monitoring the Core Web Vitals should not cost you your margin. That is why we offer the best possible packages for every  website. Where others may start at $80 with serious limitations (only synthetic data or a small number of URL's) CoreDash will track the Core Web Vitals for just $19 a month.

lighthouse 100 score

Simply the best price out there!

Why CoreDash? We are the most complete, affordable RUM & synthetic monitoring tool out there. 
We do not limit tracking to just a few pages. We have no idea why others do.


€18 / mo
For small sites
  • 20K page-views / month
  • track unlimited pages
  • 1 domain
  • CrUX tracking 


€27 / mo
Your best option
  • 50K page-views / month
  • track unlimited pages
  • 2 domains
  • CrUX tracking 


€179 / mo
Enterprise level insights
  • 2000K page-views / mo
  • track unlimited pages
  • 3 domains
  • CrUX tracking 


€55 / mo
Track up to 5 sites
  • 70K page-views / mo
  • track up to 5 domains
  • compare deployments
  • CrUX tracking 
Core Web Vitals

Frequently asked questions

RUM Tracking

Why do I need real time Core Web Vitals data?

Faster sites gain free organic traffic and an improved conversion rate. Real time RUM Data can help you quickly improve the Core Web Vitals and monitor the Core Web Vitals to avoid sudden drops in pagespeed.

What metrics does CoreDash track?

We track, the Largest Contentful paint, First Input Delay, Cumulative Layout Shift, First Contentful Paint, Interaction to Next Paint, Time to First Byte, DNS performance and TLS connection time

Can I use filters to zoom in on issues?

Yes, you can. You can filter by device type (Desktop or Mobile), Country, Url, device memory, Page clusters and more.

Is access to CoreDash provided with Core Web Vitals consultancy?

Yes, one of the first things that I will do when helping you to fix the Core Web Vitals is to set up the real-time Core Web Vitals dashboard.

Is the data real time?

Yes, all data is collected real-time and the CoreDash Core Web Vitals dashboard will always show you the latest real time results.

How does CoreDash collect the Core Web Vitals data?

We will provide you with your own custom tracking code. This code will send anonymous real time data to the CoreDash dashboard.

How can we use CoreDash to improve the Core Web Vitals?

The unique CoreDash pagespeed Impact algorithm fill find the pages that will have the highest impact on the Core Web Vitals.

Is there a difference in functionality between the different packages?

No, of-course not! We do not like this kind of marketing tricks! You deserve the best tooling possible, it does not matter if you are just starting out or are a successful brand. That is why all packages include the same functionality, the only difference is the amount of data we will store.

How accurate is the Core Web Vitals Dashboard?

The Core Web Vitals dashboard is completely accurate and has an almost 100% similarity with the Google CruX dataset that is used by Google to track the Core Web Vitals. 

Alerts and monitoring

Do you offer monitoring and alerts?

The Core Web Vitals dashboard is designed to find Core Web Vitals issues before they become a problem. That is why we monitor your site 24/7 and once we find an issue that will cause problems we will notify you with an alert.

What are automatic AI alerts?

AI alerts are smart warnings that require zero setup. Just enable AI alerts and we will figure out what issues require your attention through an alert.

What are early warnings?

Early warnings are send when we notice your Core Web Vitals are being affected and may require immediate attention in order to keep passing the Core Web Vitals. At that time there might be too little real user data to be 100% sure, that is what early warnings are for. We will notify you anyway when the statistical confidence levels are high enough!

Can I setup custom alerts?

Yes, you can setup custom alerts! We actually encourage it. You can use any metric and any filter. Once the core Web Vitals change and breach your custom defined settings we will send you an alert!

Largest Contentful Paint

Can I setup custom alerts?

Yes, you can setup custom alerts! We actually encourage it. You can use any metric and any filter. Once the core Web Vitals change and breach your custom defined settings we will send you an alert!

Core Web Vitals DashboardCore Web Vitals Core Web Vitals Dashboard